Editorial Advisory Board members
Associate Professor Lori A. Brown, Syracuse University, USA. Associate Professor Dr Hélène Frichot, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm, Sweden. Professor Dr Ramia Mazé, Aalto
Announcing the Academic Advisory Board
During Winter 2014 and Spring 2015 AADR will present one by one the high-profile international academics that form its Academic Advisory Board…
Book Launch and Exhibition ‘Das Konkrete in der Architektur’ in Berlin
Launch of ‘Das Konkrete und die Architektur’ by the editors Prof. Dr. Susanne Hauser, UDK Berlin and Prof. Dr. Claus Dreyer, Detmold, on Thursday 5. Juni 2014 18h at
TWOTOOTO – a video connected to Julieanna Preston’s new book
by Julieanna Preston, from her forthcoming book ‘Performing Matter – Interior Surface and Feminist Actions’ (Spurbuchverlag, AADR 2014) ‘two too to surface’ is a video that
Perception of Space in Architecture and Culture – Summer School 2
From the Erasmus IP-funded international summer school, which was organized and hosted by the Department of Interior Architecture of the Lucerne School of Engineering and
ADIP Magazine Future Cities: Placetaker – Projects for the Giardini of Venice
ADIP Magazine Future Cities: PLACETAKER – Projects for the Giardini of Venice presents the work of four European Universities as part of the “Future Cities” program, an
Editorial Advisory Board
AADR Editorial Advisory Board is of highest excellence, with experts in their domain, ranging from art, architecture, design to creative writing and philosophy. The members
Book Proposals
Please send a short informal email to the Curatorial Editor and briefly outline your publication inquiry or download the file AADR Publishing Proposal and submit a detailed book
Arkitektur (Sweden) features Intravention, Durations, Effects
It is great to see this full-page review of the AADR book! The Swedish Arkitektur is a forum for debate on the art of building
Community of AADR
AADR has build a community of well-known practitioners, academics and researchers – together they share thoughts and discuss ideas about current explorations in and across
Intravention, Durations, Effects: Notes of Expansive Sites and Relational Architectures, edited by Altes & Lieberman
Intravention, Durations, Effects defines architecture not as an ‘it’ but as a process; in that sense, architecture is a verb: to architect. Rather than refer to
About AADR Edition
AADR Edition publishes international artistic, creative and historical research from emerging researchers and research collectives located at the forefront of current explorations in art, architecture,
Art Architecture Design Research
AADR combines the highest quality of thinking and making, of philosophy and creative work, in art, architecture, design, philosophy, history and related fields, with publications of an
The editor Dr Rochus Urban Hinkel, based in Stockholm, established AADR together with Spurbuchverlag in late 2012. The editor is supported by an Editorial Advisory Board
Worldwide Distribution
AADR books are promoted worldwide and will be available in specialized bookstores in Europe, North America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Publication formats include the AADR series,
Publisher Spurbuchverlag
AADR is published by Spurbuchverlag, an independent niche publisher established in Bamberg, Germany in 1982. Inspired by ‘Spur‘, which translates as path or trace, together with Spurbuch AADR forges
AADR is published by Spurbuchverlag: Spurbuchverlag Publishing House of AADR Am Eichenhügel 4 96148 Baunach, Germany Fon: +49 – 9544 1561 info[at]spurbuch.de Rochus Urban