Access to Resources – An Urban Agenda
Henrietta Palmer (ed.)
Book Launch
November 27, 2014 from 1800-2200
Muralverkstaden, Kungliga Konsthögskolan KKH, Flaggmansvägen 1, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm
Through the framework of the scenario-thinking and research carried out within the Resources programme at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm, Access to Resources embarks on a journey of understanding contemporary urban transformations in three cities – Shanghai, Los Angeles and Pune – each representing not only three major world economies, but three specific urban contexts. Looking beyond the crunch of climate change and depleting fossil fuels, the book brings together a multidisciplinary group of major thinkers and practitioners alongside Resources participants to offer scenarios and visions for a complex yet hopeful picture of an urban future in common.
18:00 Welcome drinks and nibbles
18:30–19:15 Welcome and introduction
by Henrietta Palmer, Royal Institute of Art and Rochus Hinkel, Curatorial Editor AADR.
Conversation on Urban Visions and Transformations (in Swedish).
With Marcia Cavalcante Schuback, Professor in Philophy, Södertörn University; Katarina Nitsch, Artist and Teacher, Royal Institute of Art; and Henrietta Palmer, Professor of Architecture, Royal Institute of Art.
Moderator: Lisa Rosendahl, Curator and Writer, Swedish Public Art Agency.
Bar, DJ and mingle!
Free admission, but please RSVP
Muralverkstaden is in the building marked with number 1.
Access to Resources will be sold by Konst-ig at the launch
Special price 350 SEK
Palmer, Henrietta (ed.)
Access to Resources – An Urban Agenda
380 pages | 21,5 x 28 cm softcover | multiple images
ISBN 978-3-88778-419-5 English
445 SEK / 44,00 EUR (D)
published by AADR in October 2014